Information on Allotments

How much does an allotment cost?

The annual payment period runs from 1st February to 31st January. Every year we will send you an invoice for your allotment charge in early February, you can pay your allotment fees online.

If you start a new allotment tenancy after 1st February we will issue a pro-rata invoice to cover charges for the remainder of the allotment year.

You must pay your allotment invoice within 40 days of it being issued.


The cost of renting an allotment depends on the size of the plot you apply for and accept. The following list provides example costs and sizes:

  • £51.60 a year for a plot of 51 sq yds to 100 sq yds
  • £88.20 a year for a plot of 651 sq yds to 700 sq yds
  • £106.00 a year for a plot of 951 sq yds to 1000 sq yds

In addition to your allotment rent charge there is a standard annual water charge currently at £23.30 per plot.


A concessionary discount of 50 per cent is available on allotment rent but not the water charge.

You are eligible for this discount if:

  • You are in receipt of means tested benefits, for example, Pension Credit, Universal Credit, Employment Support Allowance, Job Seekers Allowance, Council Tax Benefit, Housing Benefit, Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance or Personal Independence Payment

If you wish to apply for this concession you will need to complete a Rent Reduction Application Form and provide proof of your eligibility. If you apply for discount for being in receipt of benefits you will need to provide this proof annually. 

How to pay

You can pay your allotment invoice as follows:


You will need the invoice reference number and debit/ credit card details available. The payment type is ‘Other’ then select ‘Pay an Invoice’.

By phone

The payment line is 01522 873666. You will need the invoice reference number and debit/ credit card details available. Please choose option 5 (Sundry Debtor Invoice) when prompted.

At the bank or post office

Follow the payment instructions on the back of the invoice and keep evidence of any payment you have made to us, for example, receipts or your online payment reference number. This ensures we can correctly apply your payment to your account without delay.

Paying by instalments

If you wish to pay your allotment rent in instalments you will need to call on 01522 873369 to set up your payment schedule. 

Failure to pay an allotment invoice within 40 days of being issued could result in the tenancy of the plot being terminated.

Payments by cash and cheques cannot be accepted.

Pay your allotment invoice