Birchwood Primary students had a great start to the new year, as designers of the Western Growth Corridor hoardings along Skellingthorpe Road, Lincoln.

Birchwood Primary School pupils view their artwork close up.
Birchwood Primary School pupils view their artwork close up.

City of Lincoln Council and Lindum Western Growth Community Ltd unveiled the vibrant and imaginative new hoarding adorned with artwork exclusively designed by the school's talented Year 4 and 6 pupils

The drawings consist of sustainable houses with solar panels, electric vehicles, greenery and more, presenting a glimpse into the possibilities of an eco-friendly, futuristic neighbourhood.

The first phase of construction works for the development commenced in August 2023 and comprises of the construction of a new signalised traffic junction on Skellingthorpe Road and Birchwood Avenue, as well as a new access road into the Western Growth Corridor site. These enabling works are progressing well and are expected to be completed later in 2024.

The Western Growth Corridor project is expected to deliver approximately 3,200 much needed new homes, a neighbourhood centre, business park and transport infrastructure links.

The installation of the hoarding signifies a start on the delivery of the first phase of 52 homes, which subject to planning consent being granted, will see construction works commence in the summer of 2024.

The pupils, aged between 8 and 10, were able to check out their art up close, and enjoyed seeing their work come to life on display at such a big scale.

Cllr Naomi Tweddle, Portfolio Holder for Inclusive Economic Growth at City of Lincoln Council added: “Seeing the pupil’s work on such a beautiful hoarding design is a real triumph. Optima have done a great job at incorporating all the wonderful drawings, and really reflects what we want to create with the Western Growth Corridor development.

"At its core we want to build a community that revolves around a positive impact for the future, with sustainability and nature at the heart of it.”

Lindum Group MD Edward Chambers added: "The Western Growth Corridor development will create a vibrant new neighbourhood which enhances Lincoln and to be successful, it must connect with the existing community. We hope that working with young people in this way helps to begin creating a sense of ownership of the development . 

"It’s lovely to see the results of the pupils' work on the hoardings and sets the tone of what’s to come." 


Published on January 18th 2024