City of Lincoln Council's community lottery has awarded seven local good causes a share of funding totalling £11,335.
The Lincoln Lottery Community Fund 2024 has been raised by supporters of Lincoln Community Lottery who have directly selected the fund as their good cause when purchasing tickets, with 60 pence from each ticket purchased being donated.
Players who selected to support a specific local good cause also donated 10 pence of each ticket to the Community Fund, meaning that every player of Lincoln Community Lottery has contributed to the Lincoln Lottery Community Fund 2024.
The allocation of the fund follows a resident consultation, which identified ‘reducing the impacts of poverty’ and ‘reducing social isolation and loneliness’ as the two priority cause areas for the 2024 fund. Supported by Voluntary Centre Services, in October and November 2024 local good causes were invited to apply for a share of the funding to deliver a specific project or activity to support the residents of the City of Lincoln focused on one or both of these areas.
The successful good causes benefitting from the 2024 fund include:
The Centre for Reconciliation
Awarded £1,500 towards purchasing hygiene supplies to support six hygiene banks across the City of Lincoln. Requests for support from hygiene banks continue to rise and through the use of the funds The Centre for Reconciliation aim to ensure this essential service can continue to support vulnerable residents within the city of Lincoln. Find out more about The Centre for Reconciliation.
Green Synergy
Awarded £2,500 towards the delivery of warm space provision on the Tower Estate within the city, with the aim of supporting vulnerable residents living in poverty, loneliness and isolation. This follows the demand for this service increasing over the last 12 months. Utilising this funding Green Synergy aims to deliver lunch clubs, coffee mornings and Knit and Natter sessions. Find out more about Green Synergy.
Ermine Library & Community Hub (operated by Bishop Grosseteste University)
Awarded £2,190 to deliver a book club over a period of six months. The club will be orientated towards supporting males; however, it will be open for all to take part. The club will help individuals from all backgrounds to form connections and relationships, with a focus on helping to reduce isolation and loneliness. At the end of the 6-month period, and to celebrate the relationships formed, the sessions will conclude with a screening of a film at BGU’s on-campus cinema. Find out more about Ermine Library & Community Hub.
LEAP (Lincolnshire Employment Accommodation Project)
Awarded £544.00 to help fund welcome packs for homeless and vulnerable individuals within Lincoln. The packs will provide individuals with the basic necessities needed to care for themselves, such as washing items, food and bedding. This gesture will create a positive impact on those in need, help residents to feel settled during often stressful and upsetting times, and allow individuals to face issues they may encounter, giving them the strength to improve their situation. Find out more about LEAP.
Dance Free CIC
Awarded £936 to help fund free-movement dance activities for individuals of all ages and backgrounds living close to Hartsholme Park. This unique project aims to help reduce loneliness, help individuals to improve and maintain good mental health, and help individuals to become more active. The project will offer a fun outdoor activity which by nature, creates social bonds. Find out more about Dance Free CIC.
Age UK Lincoln & South Lincolnshire
Awarded £1,915 towards providing 6 free taster sessions per individual to residents of Lincoln at Age UK Lincoln and South Lincolnshire from April 2025. The sessions will be aimed at enticing residents to try out new activities and build friendships with like-minded individuals. The sessions will be made available to all residents aged over 50 from all backgrounds. The sessions will also be aimed at those individuals who may be hesitant to try anything new, or unsure about going to the centre on their own. Find out more about Age UK Lincoln & South Lincolnshire.
All Access Games
Awarded £1,750 towards continuing to deliver gaming groups in the city and towards expanding the reach of the groups to two further wards. The funds will help to maintain a library of games and crafting materials and support the operating costs of the groups. All Access Games is open to anyone wishing to join but primarily supports Lincoln residents who are socially isolated. Find out more above All Access Games.
Cllr Rebecca Longbottom, Portfolio Holder for Customer Experience, Review and Resources:
“I would like to congratulate the successful causes for securing a share of the Lincoln Lottery Community Fund 2024. I would also like to thank supporters of Lincoln Community Lottery for helping to raise these funds. Without your support, we would not have been able to provide funding towards these projects aimed at reducing the impacts of poverty, social isolation and loneliness amongst our residents.
"I look forward to seeing the positive impact these projects have on our city, its residents and their communities over the year ahead.”
Further information:
Find out how your cause can use the lottery as a regular fund raising tool via the Lincoln Community Lottery website.
Find how you can support local good causes through the lottery via the Lincoln Community Lottery website.
Gambling support:
Players of Lincoln Community Lottery must be 18 or over and physically located in Great Britain. Always play responsibly. If you need to talk to someone about your gambling, please contact Gamble Aware. Lincoln Community Lottery is promoted by City of Lincoln Council, a Local Authority Lottery licensed by the Gambling Commission. Gambling Commission Account No: 51295.