Travelling by bus in Lincoln

Information on public transport

Please be aware the City of Lincoln Council does not operate any of the bus routes or services, please contact each operator directly for timetables and prices.

Timetables/route information/ticket prices

You can view bus timetables and information online at

For information on timetables, routes and ticket prices from other operators please visit the following websites:

Lincoln Bus Station address    

You can find our bus station at Lincoln Central Bus Station, St Mary's Street, Lincoln, LN5 7FD

Walk & Ride - The Steep Hill Shuttle

The Walk & Ride shuttle bus runs within the centre of the city, throughout the day, six days a week. The service is provided by PC Coaches.

You can find out more about the service including timetables on the PC Coaches website.


There is a DialaRide service for the disabled and over 60s who cannot use public transport. The service is available to pick you up from your home within a six-mile radius of Lincoln.

You can find out more information on this service on the lincoln dial a ride website.