Zero Carbon Lincoln

City of Lincoln Council Decarbonisation Strategy and Action Plan

The council is committed to delivering on our commitments set out in the Climate and Environmental Emergency and have produced a Decarbonisation Plan to set out the actions we are taking to transition to a net zero council by 2030. 

The plan outlines what the council has already done, what it is currently doing and what it plans to do to decarbonise emissions that within the council’s direct control.

We recognise that some elements of our emissions are not solely in our direct control and/or will require additional support to achieve, e.g. the availability of low carbon technology and decarbonisation of the power grid. We will seek to collaborate with partners and advocate for actions in these areas. 

The council is working closely with the Lincoln Climate Commission to develop a citywide Climate Action Plan which will focus on how we are collectively going to achieve a net zero Carbon target for Lincoln by 2030.

You can access a copy of the Council’s Decarbonisation Strategy and Action plan