Information on Allotments

Do you have any "Top Tips" which will help me make a successful start to using the plot?

Here are a few ideas which will help you make the quickest and most successful start to using your new allotment:

  • Don’t rush in and try to do too much digging too quickly; split up the plot and prepare a small area to start with. Try to cover unused areas with membrane sheeting to reduce weed re-growth.
  • Start your ground preparation in autumn – aim to complete all your digging before the end of the year.
  • Try to remove perennial weeds (any plant with an indefinite life span of more than two years. Some may be quite short-lived, whereas trees can easily survive for centuries) as a complete plan; if possible, try not to break their roots, as leaving pieces in the ground will cause them to re-grow, sometimes more vigorously than before.
  • Start a compost heap.
  • Do not sow seeds too early; allow time for the ground to dry out and warm up in spring.
  • Water newly planted seedlings regularly and try to collect as much rainwater as you can as it’s good for the plants and the environment.
  • Put mulch down on bare soil, it will help to slow the growth of weeds and improve water retention.
  • If there’s an allotment association, it’s well worth joining.