Downsizing Scheme

Downsizing Support

Disruption payments 

In addition to the incentive payments, we may also pay a disruption payment of £800 to cover costs such as removal costs, reconnecting and disconnecting utilities, refitting flooring. 

Support with moving

We know that moving can be a stressful and often challenging time so, if assistance is needed to move to another property, we may help with:           

  • arranging removals  
  • arranging disconnection and reconnection of services  
  • refitting carpets  
  • decorating  

The cost of carrying out any/all of the above will be taken from the money that will be paid under this scheme.

Handy Person 

In addition to offering incentive payments, we offer a handyperson service to help with jobs such as tiling, putting up shelves and hanging blinds at the property moved in to, a total of no more than three hours work.

If you feel that you will need more than these three hours, we may be able to agree further time.

This may incur costs that will need to be deducted from the lump sum payment or paid on invoice for extra costs incurred.  

Advice and Assistance 

We will provide you with advice and assistance on housing options.