Towns Fund Projects

1. Hospitality, Events, Arts and Tourism (HEAT) Institute

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Lincoln College

Project Description

The project will provide employer-led training facilities designed to offer critical support across Lincoln City and surrounding areas in one of the GLLEP’s Priority Sectors, the Visitor Economy, at a time when it is needed the most.  From a student perspective, the project will focus on the realisation of two key objectives: 

  • The creation of exciting new training facilities and capability 

  • Enabling outdated facilities to be refreshed and reimagined 

HEAT will offer active support to local businesses via a range of training services that will help the sector to grow, develop and innovate by upskilling the workforce and enhancing the pathways into employment via training of students in the required skills to create a desirable future workforce. 

Working in partnership with the University of Westminster and educational institutions in Denmark (ZBC College1; the largest T&H college group in Denmark), the USA and the Middle East, along with Lincolnshire based employers such as the Intercontinental Hotel Group, the Hilton Worldwide Group, the Stonegate Pub Company and Butlins, the project will provide a state-of-the-art learning environment, with cutting edge technologies focused on plugging skills gaps and delivering training in the application of digital assistive technologies. Having consulted with local employers and industry bodies such as Visit Lincoln, we will increase the number and range of new apprenticeships offered and launch T-Levels in Hospitality and Tourism and Catering.  

Students will also benefit from the opportunity to work in the theatre and events sector at the Drill Hall, the arts sector via our partnerships with local galleries and the catering and events sector via Lincoln College's own commercial catering business. Many of the placements on offer through the College or our partners will be paid, enabling students to earn-while-they-learn. 

Total project cost: £1,389,142 

Town Deal funding: £1,120,000 

Lincoln College student testing their skills.

Lincoln College student testing their skills.

To view the outcomes of this project, please see the downloads section of the website.