Home Energy Upgrade Scheme

The Home Energy Upgrade Scheme will help reduce energy bills, keep homes warmer and reduce carbon emissions.
Homeowners and private renters can apply if they think they meet the eligibility criteria and their property is suitable.
For privately rented properties, landlords are required to make a contribution to cover one third of the total costs of the measures installed.
Funding has been secured from the Government as part of their pledge to upgrade inefficient homes.
The council is working with energy experts YES Energy Solutions to qualify residents for the scheme.
Are you eligible?
The Home Energy Upgrade Scheme will help residents living in homes with poor energy efficiency ratings who also have a low income.
To qualify residents must:
- Have a household income of £30,000 or less
- Receive income related benefits
Households with savings of £16,000 or more do not qualify.
Is your property eligible?
Your home is not heating by gas. (If you have a gas heated home please visit the ECO4 Grant page.
You must also live in a property with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of E, F or G.
(EPC band D is accepted if there's fewer than 30% D rated properties signed up to the scheme).
A new EPC can be done if your property does not already have one.
Your property type and structure will impact what measures and funding you can receive.
What could you receive?
If you qualify for the Home Energy Upgrade Scheme, your property will undergo a survey to see which improvements would improve its warmth and efficiency the most.
Your property type will also affect how much funding you can receive, but it could be between £10,000 and £25,000.
Examples of what you could receive for free include:
- External wall insulation
- Loft insulation
- Cavity wall insulation
- Underfloor insulation
- Solar panels (PV)
- Air source heat pump
- High heat retention electric storage heaters
If you and your property is eligible for the measure(s) in the scheme, our surveyor partners will create a plan that selects one or more measures to provide maximum benefits.
How to apply
If you are a householder interested in the scheme, please call YES Energy Solutions.
Call 03309 126199 or use their contact form.
Privacy Notice
As part of the funding criteria, the personal data for every applicant will be shared with the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).
Please read the BEIS privacy notice which covers how they will process any personal data that is collected.