Greening Lincoln
There are 47 Local Wildlife Sites, making up 740 hectares and account for 21% of the land in the City of Lincoln administrative boundary.
Local Wildlife Sites are defined areas identified and selected locally for their substantive nature conservation value. They play a crucial part in the natural processes that maintain, air, soil and water quality and reduce the effects of flooding, pollution and climate change. They represent local character and distinctiveness and symbolise the best of our urban green spaces.
You can view green spaces in Lincoln on our interactive mapping tool.
In addition we have around 1000 allotment plots located over 18 sites in Lincoln. Within the Greater Lincoln area we can also enjoy a greenways network consisting of around 100 000 kilometres of largely car free routes connecting town and countryside for people on foot, cycle or horseback.
Lincoln falls within the Witham Valley Country Park, an area made up of a number of high quality green spaces in the heart of Lincolnshire.
For more information about the Witham Valley please visit
Cycle, Footpaths and Bridleways
For information about cycle paths, footpaths, bridleways in and around Lincoln view the Public Rights of Way Lincolnshire Countryside Access Map
A guide to Lincoln’s cycle routes, bike hire scheme and Cycle storage
Useful Downloads
Further Information
For further information please go to
To book an appointment for advice and free personalised travel plans for travelling around Lincoln, please email or call 01522 581 906.